Plate of Shiitake cream and pumpkin, accompanied with some Shiitake mushrooms Plate of Shiitake cream and pumpkin, accompanied with some Shiitake mushrooms

Shiitake cream and pumpkin

Ingredients (for 4 people):

25 g organic dried shiitake mushrooms Midzu
120 g pumpkin
1 small onion
2 small potatoes
1 tablespoon chia seeds Midzu
extra-virgin olive oil Midzu q.b.
sea salt q.b.

Recipe for Midzu Soymilk maker


Soak the mushrooms for 4 to 6 hours. Chop the vegetables into small pieces and place inside the machine's jar. Add the shiitake mushrooms. Add water (you can use the water in which the mushrooms soaked) up to a maximum of 1.2 liters. Select "Soup" program and start the machine.

At the end of the process, mash the soup using the "Fruit / Vegetable Juice" program or use the hand blender to obtain a smoother mixture.
When the program is finished, season with salt and drizzle with a little olive oil

A very nutritious soup and easy to prepare.

Insert date: 2014-07-21 Last update: 2014-07-21

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Authors > Translators > Ana Amaral
Authors > Contributor writers > Cristina Rodrigues
Recipes > Soups