Tagliatelle with vegetables on the plate Tagliatelle with vegetables on the plate

Tagliatelle with vegetables

Ingredients :

200g tagliatelle
water as needed
a pinch salt
1 diced eggplant
1 diced zucchini
1 sliced onion
1 clove garlic, minced
a dash of umeboshi ou apple cider vinegar
a dash of shoyu
a dash of Midzu coconut oil
a pinch of black pepper powder
a pinch of turmeric Midzu
seed mix Midzu to taste


Cook the tagliatelle in salt water. Drain and set aside.

Place the rest of the ingredients in a large bowl and mix well. In a saucepan, bring them to medium heat until soft. Pour over the tagliatelle and serve hot. Sprinkle with dried or fresh herbs of choice.


Insert date: 2017-09-21 Last update: 2017-09-21

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Recipes > Main Dishes
