Dish with sweet potato soup, seeds and seaweed Dish with sweet potato soup, seeds and seaweed

Sweet Potato, Seeds and Seaweed Soup


1.5 L of filtered water
1 sweet potato peeled and cut in small pieces
1 teaspoon of sea salt
1 dash of organic extra virgin olive oil Midzu
1 tablespoon of seed mix Midzu
1 strip of organic wakamé seaweed Midzu
1 strip of organic dulse seaweed Midzu


Soak the seaweed in a little water for some minutes. Put the soaking water, along with the remainder water, to boil in a pan. Add potato and chuchu. When they are cooked, blend well and add the seeds and flakes. (You can also blend them if you prefer). Season with salt, add seaweed, add the dash of olive oil, stir well and immediately turn off the heat. Serve hot.

Insert date: 2017-07-05 Last update: 2017-07-05

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