Wild fruits flavour ice cream Wild fruits flavour ice cream

Wild fruits flavour ice cream

Ingredients (2-3 people):

4 frozen bananas
1 dessert spoon of Maqui powder Midzu
Cocoa nibs Midzu as needed


Cut the bananas in slices and freeze in advance.

Mix the frozen bananas with the maqui powder. Using a blender or a food processor, grind all to obtain a creamy texture.

Decorate with cocoa nibs and serve right away.

Note: Make sure that your equipment has enough power to grind the frozen banana. If it becomes difficult, let the banana defrost some minutes and/or add a bit of soya yoghurt or vegetable drink.

Insert date: 2015-07-14 Last update: 2015-08-30

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Authors > Contributor writers > Cristina Rodrigues
Recipes > Desserts
